Friday, September 01, 2006

24 in our mailbox

Jonathan and I used our free Blockbuster rewards monthly rental coupon to start watching the heralded 24 television series. We rented Disc 1, Episodes 1 through 4... and watched all four in one evening! They are seriously addictive, as we were warned, and everytime one ended we were like, "No way! They can't stop it like that! Do the next one." It was a little sad to end at only the fourth episode until our next free monthly rental coupon came...

Today, in our mailbox, the next two discs of the series appeared. We found two Netflix envelopes, and, knowing we weren't a part of that program, we just thought they were some kind of advertisement. Upstairs, Jon opened them and smiled. These were no random discs... they were the exact ones we wanted to see. :)

We seem to have a pretty awesome mystery movie renter. Thank you for our two discs!!!

1 comment:

Kimberly Ann said...

Yea for 24! Jack Bauer is one of the coolest TV characters ever!! And Season 1 is my favorite that we've watched...