Thursday, June 07, 2007


  • In 9th and 10th grade, it was a group of guys who – whenever they passed me in the halls or class – sang my name to the melody of “Get a Job” (Gre-te Brown, Gre-te Bro-wn, Gret, Gre-te Bro-wn).
  • In 11th and 12th grade it was two guys who called me “Fatty” (because I wasn’t) in the mornings and my girlfriends who called me “Greet” or “Chica” the rest of the time.
  • In college I was again “Greet”, “GG”, "G-Love", “Grete is Bettah”, or “g” - depending on who was addressing me.
  • And now, as the newest nickname, my admin co-workers have started referring to me as “G-dawg”.
    • Does something about my name or personality prompt people to call me these things? It’s not that I’m bothered by them, but rather, I’m just curious how they arise in the first place… (Especially in regards to my current nickname – I feel like I should wear chains and leather to be considered a “G–dawg”.) :)


      Dan said...

      chains and leather are so you. smile.

      in college i was nancy pants, sometimes nancy fancy pants. (don't ask.) now, one of my ph.d. colleagues refuses to call me anything other than nancifer.

      Anonymous said...

      Gretifer has a nice ring to it, too...

      db said...

      G-dawg???? Not sure how they come up with that brings me to another thing about your name though. You know those big trucks that you see on the road that have CRETE written on them...well you would pronounce them CREET...I call them CRETA! Love you

      AK said...

      The name G-Dawg definitely gives you some more street cred. Guess you probably need that for the mean streets of LA. I'm just sayin'...

      Kimberly Ann said...
      This comment has been removed by the author.
      RC said...

      at least i can have credit for calling you poor Erin was stuck being called Special Sauce.

      Kimberly Ann said...

      Oh, I am def. going to find a gold chain with "G-Dawg" tag on it for you to wear to work... then you can really work that nickname.

      I personally have had no nicknames since I married Ryan and lost "Hopper" for a last name. Since most people can't pronounce my new last name correctly I guess I no longer am worthy of a nicknames. Growing up I was "Kimmy Hop" "Hoppy" or people would only refer to me by my full name: "Kim Hopper."

      I guess you just have a great 1st name for people to have fun with :-)