A little more than one week ago, my parents came to visit us! We had a great time at a taping of "Til Death" on Thursday evening (Brad Garrett is 6'8" - I asked him), and we then walked a LOT on Friday and Saturday: around
Huntington Gardens (so beautiful!), through Fuller's campus and down to Old Town Pasadena, all over the L.A. Zoo, around Ikea, at the petstore (see our new fish here
[coming soon]!)... You can relive their visit
here. :) We finished Saturday with some heated games of Cranium and cards. (My dad was untouchable in our last card game - we were all SO far below him in points.)

On Sunday after church (and a quick Souplantation lunch), we dropped them back off at LAX. I was doing fine until my mom was like, "Well, I guess we won't see you again until August..." I wish California living was cheaper - I want all our family nearby in this exciting place with amazing weather!